The WISE Program is a graduate school reform program promoted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) since 2018, which aims to develop "knowledge professionals" in various fields through a five-year integrated doctoral program. Nagoya University has four programs within 30 programs accepted so far.
In recent years, technological innovation also known as "mobility revolution" has created social change since the Industrial Revolution that minimizes the cost of traveling in time and space. However, as social issues become more complex and value standards diversify, technology-led "realization of rich lifestyles" is becoming difficult. To drive lifestyle revolution, transdisciplinary human resources are required to team up with experts from different fields (multidisciplinary) such as humanities, social sciences, engineering, informatics, and environmental science, to understand and respect each other's specialties, to create diverse values (value creation) for lifestyle, and to translate those values to society by building the "technology and methodology". In this program, in addition to "Industry-Academia Co-Creation Education" in which the university collaborates with private companies, 6 graduate schools and 7 centers are structuring an outstanding curriculum that cultivates transdisciplinary collaboration by expert teams. In this way, we will train "Transdisciplinary Mobility Innovation (TMI) human resources" who can contribute to efforts to create "mobility" with high social values. Through the curriculum, program students will develop five abilities that make up transdisciplinary collaborative ability. The five abilities are "Specialized Research Ability" in one's own field, "Broad View/Problem Finding Ability" necessary to elevate value in the social system, "Value Co-Creation Ability" to create value through communication among experts in different fields, "Challenge/Resilience" to boldly implement measures in society and overcome difficulties, and "International Outlook" to play an active role in the international community. TMI human resources who complete this program are expected to play active roles as professionals such as researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, businesspersons, and government officials for lifestyle revolution in a wide range of fields of society.
In this program, the knowledge and practices necessary to implement Transdisciplinary Mobility Innovation (TMI) are structured as a three-tiered interdisciplinary curriculum. The most basic is the "TMI Knowledge Base," which can be selected according to the basics of the student, and consists of "Warp-Weft Coursework" in which students learn the basic knowledge necessary for transdisciplinary collaboration through courses in specialized fields and cross-disciplinary courses that connect different fields; "Interdisciplinary Faculty Discussion Lectures" in which students learn different perspectives from faculty members in different fields; "Mobility Innovation Common Lectures" to learn basic knowledge about The "TMI Platform" consists of: "Boot Camp," which fosters interdisciplinary collaboration through close team collaboration in a residential setting; ORT (On-site Research Training), in which students travel to sites such as municipalities to conduct surveys and research; and the "Test Bed," which serves as a basis for demonstration experiments, both on and off campus with corporate mentors. It consists of TDD (Testbed Design and Development), in which students collaborate to design and develop new products, and "Entrepreneurial Practice", in which students team up to plan and practice the establishment of a venture company. In the "TMI Lifestyle Revolution Doctoral Research" program, students conduct doctoral research focusing on "value creation" and "methodology" in lifestyle revolution based on multidisciplinary collaboration, including research on industry-academia co-creation in addition to their own specialized fields. In particular, the "industry-academia co-creation education" promoted by the university will nurture students' abilities as "knowledge professionals" through joint research with private companies.
Students enrolled in the program will develop five abilities needed for interdisciplinary collaboration: the ability to conduct specialized research in one's own field, the ability to find problems from broad perspectives, and the ability to create value through communication with expoerts in diverse fields. In addition, the program has two main characteristics: resilience and ability to challenge and overcome difficulties by boldly implementing them in society, and international outlook to play an active role in international society. Graduates of this program are expected to play an active role in a wide range of social fields as researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and administrators for a lifestyle revolution.
Recruitment for 1st Gen students was finished (Deadline 2020/11/11)
We will start admission procedures in Feb. 2020.
Nagoya University
Higashiyama Campus NIC Building 608
Office Hour:9:00-17:00